A color-coded kit to study the tenses

  • Key Features

    TOT is a visual kit that illustrates the 12 tenses via color-coded shapes on a physical timeline.

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    • Innovative design to simplify and shorten teaching the tenses
    • Shows an event or action in relation to  time
    • Students make progress while doing tactile activities and become independent learners
    • Light, laminated and portable kit
    • Useful for both teachers and students
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    • Textbook & Workbook - Active
    • Textbook & Workbook- Passive
    • Color-Coded Lotto Game
    • Timeline Board  




    Happy Verbs -Card Game

    Teacher's Guide

    Workbooks -Answer Keys

    Conditionals -PDF

    LOL Passive -Card Game


    Worldwide shipping. Pay by : PayPal, Bank Transfer , Bit App or Check

  • Testimonials

    What teachers are saying after using TOT

    Hagit L.

    Remedial English teacher for pupils with learning disabilities, Israel

    I pulled out the TOT kit and added my pantomime :) and it was simply AMAZING how easy, clear and logical it was to show the sentences (BE & DO) on the timeline using the shapes, colors and the booklet with examples, structures, rules, time expressions, auxiliaries etc. TOT is SIMPLY a great and essential tool to teachers everywhere. I really really recommend it. So thanks again!!!

    Marco B.

    Expert English teacher, Malta

    Amazing method. Highly recommended. Tried out on over fifty of my students with astounding results. Your system has such a wow factor that I just had to come in and comment on it

    Dr.Judy Siegel Henn

    Adjunct Lecturer at Technion ,Israel Institute of Technology

    Rita Dick

    your materials are professional and simple to use.

      Dr.Devorah Kalekin-Fishman

      Faculty of Education ,Teacher Trainer
      University of Haifa


      Hi Rita,
      Looking over your work, I think that it is a pity that I am now not involved in teacher training so that I could introduce novices to your lovely ideas. I'm sure that the pupils you work with gain a great deal by exposure to your materials.





        Ben Hoyt

        ETAS Journal, Summer 2017:

        "I find the idea of presenting the verb tenses together and highlighting their similarities to be excellent. I also think assigning shapes and colors to the tenses as a way of referring to the language without using language is a useful mnemonic device for learners which is accessible no matter what their L1."





        1. About Me

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          Rita Dick

          Experienced English teacher & Courseware writer

          Teaching ESP - ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES has been my major interest for 40 years. I believe in student-tailored teaching. The materials I have developed are Student-Centered; all of them are written in Simplified Basic English and are designed to suit the students’ level, needs, and interests.

        2. Contact Me

          I'm here for any questions!

          Rita Dick
          18 Kaplan
          Kiryat Ono
          +972-3-6359330 ,972-52-3394684